Big Data – Why It Is Important For Marketing

Big data is a term used to describe the exponential growth in the amount of data generated and stored. The analysis of big data will become increasingly important to marketers because it leads to more intelligent decision making.

Big Data MarketingThe software industry has been defined by major shifts or transitions in the technical landscape. Having been in the tech industry for over 25 years, I have been involved with many of these waves. The PC wave, which was followed by the Client Server wave that revolutionized Enterprise Computing. This was followed by the Open Source wave, followed by the rapid rise(and brief collapse) of the Internet wave, Social Networks, and Mobile Computing.

One of the most exciting developments is the rise in Big Data and Cognitive Computing. In the last 2 years humans have generated more data than they have in the history of mankind. To put that in perspective you need to consider that humans have been around for over 200,000 years!

In the last 2 years humans have generated more data than they have in the history of mankind. To put that in perspective you need to consider that humans have been around for over 200,000 years!

Some of this data is being put to good use, but most of it isn’t being used in meaningful ways… yet.

I see a huge opportunity to use all the data and organize it in meaningful ways for data driven decisions, especially when it comes to marketing decisions.

That is the idea behind BriteWire…. Big Data analysis to drive Intelligent Internet Marketing.

BriteWire ingests large amounts of data and analyzes it to reveal trends, patterns, and characteristics of success. Just as important as the vast volume of data being generated is the timeliness of the data. Real time or near time analysis and monitoring of data can provide valuable information about emerging trends. When impending crises are identified you can be alerted before the situation becomes damaging.

In a world in which knowledge is power, what you don’t know can hurt you.

In future blog posts I will be diving into these topics and more. If you are interested in Big Data, Internet Marketing, Brand Development, and Internet Technology then follow along as I explore these topics in greater detail.

I will also be writing articles and posts about Competitive Intelligence, Social Networks, Cloud Computing, Content Marketing, and “Buzz Monitoring”.

Category : BriteWire Blog