Is SEO Dead? The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Search Results

Is SEO Dead?In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the question “Is SEO dead?” has surfaced with increasing frequency. The short answer is no, but the rules of the game have changed significantly, largely due to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). The rise of AI has reshaped search results, diminishing the importance of traditional SEO tactics like backlinks and keyword stuffing, and emphasizing the need for high-quality, user-centric content.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Search Results

Artificial intelligence, particularly in the form of machine learning algorithms, has revolutionized how search engines evaluate and rank web content. Google’s AI systems, such as RankBrain and BERT, are designed to better understand the context and intent behind user queries. This shift means that search engines are now more adept at discerning the relevance and quality of content, rather than relying solely on the presence of keywords or the number of backlinks.

AI Summaries and User Intent

One of the most significant changes brought about by AI is the generation of AI summaries in search results. These summaries, often found in “featured snippets” or answer boxes, provide users with direct answers to their queries without requiring them to click through to a website. This development prioritizes content that is clear, concise, and directly answers the user’s question. Consequently, websites must focus on providing value and directly addressing user needs to remain competitive in search rankings.

The Declining Importance of Backlinks

Backlinks have long been a cornerstone of SEO strategy, serving as endorsements of a website’s authority and relevance. However, their influence is waning in the face of AI advancements. While backlinks still play a role in SEO, search engines are increasingly capable of evaluating content quality and relevance independently of external endorsements. This shift reduces the efficacy of tactics that focus primarily on acquiring backlinks and underscores the importance of producing substantive, high-quality content.

Content Overload: A Misguided SEO Tactic

In an attempt to boost SEO rankings and increase engagement time, many content creators adopted the tactic of adding extensive background information, tips, and personal stories to their webpages. The idea is that more content equates to greater relevance and higher rankings. This approach is particularly prevalent in recipe websites, where users often find themselves scrolling through paragraphs of unrelated content before reaching the actual recipe.

While this strategy can increase keyword density and on-page time, it often makes webpages less beneficial to end users. Overloaded pages can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and ultimately harming the site’s SEO performance. Google’s recent updates aim to curb this practice by prioritizing content that directly answers user queries and provides a better user experience.

Google’s Crackdown on Low-Quality Content

In response to the proliferation of low-quality, undifferentiated niche sites designed to game the SEO system, Google has implemented measures to close loopholes that previously allowed such sites to flourish. These updates target content farms and low-effort websites that prioritize quantity over quality. Google’s algorithm now places greater emphasis on unique, well-researched, and valuable content, effectively reducing the visibility and profitability of low-quality sites.

The Rise of Chatbots and Their Impact on Search Engines

As of April 2024 Google still holds the dominant search engine position with a market share around 90.91% according to Statcounter [Search Engine Market Share Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats]. However, as AI continues to evolve, the rise of chatbots represents a significant shift in how users interact with search engines. Chatbots, powered by advanced natural language processing, can provide immediate, conversational responses to user queries. This development reduces the need for users to navigate through multiple webpages to find information, potentially decreasing website traffic from traditional search engines.

Chatbots offer a more streamlined and efficient way for users to obtain information, which means that websites need to adapt by ensuring their content is optimized for these AI-driven tools. Providing clear, concise, and structured information will become increasingly important as chatbots become a more prevalent means of accessing information.

The Popularity of Specialized Search Websites

The growing popularity of specialized search websites is reshaping the landscape of online search, posing significant competition to general web search engines like Google. Platforms such as for real estate, for automobiles, for travel, for job listings, and for online shopping offer highly tailored search experiences that cater to specific user needs. These specialized search engines provide detailed, industry-specific information and advanced filtering options that general search engines struggle to match. By focusing on niche markets, these sites deliver more relevant results and a superior user experience, driving users to bypass traditional search engines in favor of platforms that offer precise, domain-specific search capabilities.


SEO is not dead, but it is undergoing a profound transformation driven by artificial intelligence. Traditional tactics like backlink building and keyword stuffing are losing ground to strategies that prioritize content quality and user experience. AI’s ability to understand user intent and generate concise summaries is reshaping search results, while Google’s crackdown on low-quality content underscores the need for authenticity and value.

As chatbots and AI continue to evolve, content creators must adapt by focusing on delivering high-quality, relevant content that meets user needs. In this new era of SEO, the mantra “content is king” holds truer than ever, but with a renewed emphasis on quality, relevance, and user satisfaction.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI model that transforms text into vibrant images. It uses text descriptions to craft stunning and diverse visuals, from photorealistic landscapes to fantastical creatures.

Stable Diffusion is a collaborative development effort, but the key contributors include:

  • CompVis Group at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich: Led researchers like Johannes Gauthey and Robin Rombach, who played a major role in the model’s architecture and development.
  • Runway ML: Provided expertise in user interface design and accessibility, making Stable Diffusion a user-friendly tool.
  • Stability AI: Supported the project through resources like compute power and contributed to its ethical framework and community growth.
  • LAION: Provided a massive dataset of text-image pairs for training the model, crucial for its ability to understand and generate realistic images.
  • Other Contributors: Numerous individuals and organizations have contributed code, ideas, and feedback to refine Stable Diffusion.

The code for Stable Diffusion is partially open-source: The core model architecture and training code are not publicly available. Several key components are open-source: These include the text encoder, diffusion model variants, and some additional modules. The project uses a Creative ML OpenRAIL-M license: This allows for both commercial and non-commercial use of the open-source parts.

Stable Diffusion utilises two powerful techniques: Diffusion and Transformers:

  • Diffusion models: These gradually “de-noise” a random image, guided by the text prompt, until a coherent and realistic image emerges.
  • Transformer models: These excel at understanding and encoding the meaning of text, providing the initial noise and guiding the diffusion process towards the desired outcome.

Key Components:

  • U-Net: This convolutional neural network (CNN) acts as the core diffusion model, processing noise and progressively refining the image.
  • Text encoder: This transformer-based model encodes the text prompt into a latent vector, capturing its semantic meaning and guiding the image generation.
  • Conditional diffusion steps: These steps iteratively refine the image, incorporating both the latent vector and the current image state.

Frameworks and Libraries:

  • PyTorch: The primary deep learning framework for model development and training.
    Transformers library: Provides implementation of the transformer architecture for text encoding.
  • Jax library: Used for efficient numerical computation and gradient calculations.
  • Torchdiff: For automatic differentiation, essential for training the diffusion model.

Programming Languages:

  • Python: The main language for scripting, framework integration, and user interface development.
  • C++: Used for performance-critical parts of the model, particularly the U-Net architecture.

Training Data & Fine Tuning:

  • Training data: A massive dataset of text-image pairs is crucial for training the model to understand and generate realistic images.
  • Fine-tuning: The model can be further customized for specific tasks or artistic styles by fine-tuning on smaller, targeted datasets.
  • Creative exploration: The user’s input and artistic vision play a vital role in guiding the image generation process.

GUI’s For Stable Diffusion

  • Automatic1111
  • ComfyUI
  • DreamStudio
  • Foocus AI
  • StableSwarmUI
  • InvokeAI

ControlNet is a powerful tool that extends the capabilities of Stable Diffusion by adding additional control over the image generation process. ControlNet uses additional neural networks trained on specific data, like edge detection or human skeletons. These networks analyze the provided control information (e.g., an image for style transfer or a pose diagram for human figures). The information is then injected into the diffusion process of Stable Diffusion, guiding the image generation towards the desired conditions.

Key Features of ControlNet include:

  • Object placement: Specify where certain objects should appear in the image.
  • Composition control: Define the layout and arrangement of elements within the image.
  • Style transfer: Apply the style of another image or artwork to the generated image.
  • Human pose control: Set the pose and position of human figures in the scene.

Extensions are add-ons or modifications that enhance the functionality of Stable Diffusion or introduce new features.
Popular Extensions:

  • ReActor: FaceSwap Extension

LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation)
LoRA refers to a technique for fine-tuning the model on specific concepts or styles without requiring the full model to be retrained. It’s essentially a lightweight way to add additional capabilities to Stable Diffusion without the heavy computational cost of training from scratch. LoRA models are much smaller than full Stable Diffusion models, making them faster to train and easier to share. LoRA models can be created for a wide range of concepts and styles, allowing for personalized and creative image generation. The LoRA model is then injected into the Stable Diffusion generation process. During image generation, the LoRA model subtly modifies the diffusion process, guiding it towards the desired concept or style.

Popular Platforms for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development

There are many platforms that are popular for artificial intelligence (AI) development. These platforms provide tools and libraries for tasks such as data preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and deployment. They can be used to develop a wide range of artificial intelligence applications, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics.

Some of the most widely used platforms include:

  • TensorFlow: an open-source platform for machine learning and artificial intelligence developed by Google.

  • PyTorch: an open-source machine learning platform developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab.

  • Cuda (Compute Unified Device Architecture): is a parallel computing platform and programming model created by NVIDIA for general-purpose processing on its own Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). In simpler terms, it allows developers to harness the immense parallel processing power of GPUs to significantly accelerate certain types of computational tasks compared to traditional CPUs.

  • Keras: an open-source neural network library written in Python that can run on top of TensorFlow.

  • scikit-learn: an open-source machine learning library for Python.

  • Azure Machine Learning: a cloud-based platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

  • AWS Machine Learning: a cloud-based platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

  • IBM Watson: a cloud-based platform for developing and deploying artificial intelligence and machine learning models.

  • Apple Core ML: a framework for integrating machine learning models into iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications.

  • Google Cloud AI Platform: a cloud-based platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

  • Amazon SageMaker: a cloud-based platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

  • Deeplearning4j: an open-source deep learning platform for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

  • H2O: an open-source platform for machine learning and predictive analytics.

  • Theano: an open-source platform for developing and evaluating machine learning models.

  • MXNet: an open-source deep learning platform that supports multiple programming languages.

  • Caffe: an open-source deep learning framework developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC).

  • Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (formerly known as CNTK): an open-source deep learning platform developed by Microsoft Research.

  • Neural Designer: a commercial platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

  • RapidMiner: a commercial platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

  • KNIME: a commercial platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

  • DataRobot: a commercial platform for developing and deploying machine learning models.

Artificial Neural Networks For Marketing

Artificial Neural Networks are progressive learning systems modeled after the human brain that continuously improve their function over time. Artificial neural networks can be effective in gathering and extracting the relevant information from big data, identify valuable trends, relationships and connections between the data, and then rely on the past outcomes and behaviors to help identify and implement the best marketing tactics and strategies.

Artificial Neural Networks For MarketingThe human brain consists of 100 billion cells called neurons. The neurons are connected together by synapses. If sufficient synaptic inputs to a neuron fire, that neuron will also fire. This process is called “thinking”.

Artificial neural networks are a form of computer program modeled after the way the human brain and nervous system works. It is not necessary to model the biological complexity of the human brain at a molecular level, just its higher level rules.

Common practical uses of Neural Networks are for character recognition, image classification, speech recognition, facial recognition, etc. They are also used for Predictive Analytics. Read our article on HOW LEADING TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES ARE USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING.

Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) are a series of interconnected artificial processing neurons functioning in unison to achieve desirable outcomes.

Artificial neurons are elementary units in an artificial neural network. Each artificial neuron receives one or more inputs and sums them to produce an output. Think of artificial neurons as simple storage containers.

Artificial Neural Networks are comprised of three main parts: the input layer, the hidden layer, and the output layer. Note that you can have n hidden layers. The term “deep” learning implies multiple hidden layers. Each layer is a one dimensional array.

During processing each input is separately weighted, and the sum is passed through a non-linear function known as an activation function or transfer function to the next set of artificial neurons.

Using trial and error learning methods neural networks detect patterns existing within a data set ignoring data that is not significant, while emphasizing the data which is most influential.

From a marketing perspective, neural networks are a form of software tool used to assist in decision making. Neural networks are effective in gathering and extracting information from large data sources and identify the cause and effect within data. These neural nets through the process of learning, identify relationships and connections between databases. Once knowledge has been accumulated, neural networks can be relied on to provide generalizations and can apply past knowledge and learning to a variety of situations.

Neural networks help fulfill the role of marketing companies through effectively aiding in market segmentation and measurement of performance while reducing costs and improving accuracy. Due to their learning ability, flexibility, adaption and knowledge discovery, neural networks offer many advantages over traditional models. Neural networks can be used to assist in pattern classification, forecasting and marketing analysis.


KerasKeras is an open source neural network library written in Python. Keras was conceived to be an interface rather than a standalone machine-learning framework. It offers a higher-level, more intuitive set of abstractions that make it easy to develop deep learning models regardless of the computational backend used. It is capable of running on top of TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit or Theano.

Designed to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks, it focuses on being user-friendly, modular, and extensible. It was developed as part of the research effort of project ONEIROS (Open-ended Neuro-Electronic Intelligent Robot Operating System), and its primary author and maintainer is François Chollet, a Google engineer.

Keras contains numerous implementations of commonly used neural network building blocks such as layers, objectives, activation functions, optimizers, and a host of tools to make working with image and text data easier.

Keras allows use of distributed training of deep learning models on clusters of Graphics Processing Units (GPU). Keras allows users to productize deep models on smartphones (iOS and Android), on the web, or on the Java Virtual Machine.

Keras Resources

Official Website:


TensorFlowTensorFlow was originally developed by the Google Brain Team within Google’s Machine Intelligence research organization for machine learning and deep neural networks research.

TensorFlow is a Python-friendly open source machine learning framework for numerical computation that makes acquiring data, training models, serving predictions, and refining future results easier. TensorFlow bundles together a slew of machine learning and deep learning(neural networking) models and algorithms.

TensorFlow computations are expressed as stateful dataflow graphs. The name TensorFlow derives from the operations that such neural networks perform on multidimensional data arrays. These arrays are referred to as “tensors”.

TensorFlow Diagram

TensorFlow is cross-platform. It runs on nearly everything: GPUs and CPUs—including mobile and embedded platforms—and even tensor processing units (TPUs), which are specialized hardware to do tensor math on.

Keras is a popular high level interface to TensorFlow.

TensorFlow Resources

Official Website:

How Leading Technology Companies Are Using Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence looks for patterns, learns from experience, and predicts responses based on historical data. Artificial Intelligence is able to learn new things at incredible speeds. Artificial Intelligence can be used to accurately predict your behavior and preempt your requests.

Artificial Intelligence And Machine LearningArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are shaping many of the products and services you interact with every day. In future blog posts I will be discussing how Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Predictive Analytics are being used by Marketers to achieve competitive advantage.

AI’s (Artificial Intelligence) ability to simulate human thinking means it can streamline our lives. It can preempt our needs and requests, making products and services more user friendly as machines learn our needs and figure out how to serve us better.

Here are how some of the top companies are using Artificial Intelligence.


Google is investing heavily in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Google acquired the AI company DeepMind for the energy consumption, digital health and general purpose Artificial Intelligence programs. It is integrating it into many of its products and services. They are primarily using TensorFlow – an open source software library for high performance numerical computation. They are using Artificial Intelligence and pattern recognition to improve their core search services. Google is also using AI and machine learning for their facial recognition services, and for natural language processing to power their real-time language translation. Google Assistant uses Artificial Antelligence, as does the Google Home series of smart home products, like the Nest thermostat. Google is using a TensorFlow model in Gmail to understand the context of an email and predict likely replies. They call this feature “Smart Replies.” After acquiring more than 50 AI startups in 2015-16, this seems like only the beginning for Google’s AI agenda. You can learn more about Google’s AI projects here:


Amazon has been investing heavily in Artificial Intelligence for over 20 years. Amazon’s approach to AI is called a “flywheel”. At Amazon, the flywheel approach keeps AI innovation humming along and encourages energy and knowledge to spread to other areas of the company. Amazon’s flywheel approach means that innovation around machine learning in one area of the company fuels the efforts of other teams. Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning (ML) algorithms drive many of their internal systems. Artificial Intelligence is also core to their customer experience – from’s recommendations engine that is used to analyze and predict your shopping patterns, to Echo powered by Alexa, and the path optimization in their fulfillment centers. Amazon’s mission is to share their Artificial Intellgience and Machine Learning capabilities as fully managed services, and put them into the hands of every developer and data scientist on Amazon Web Services(AWS). Learn more about Amazon Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


Facebook has come under fire for their widespread use of Artificial Intelligence analytics to target users for marketing and messaging purposes, but they remain committed to advancing the field of machine intelligence and are creating new technologies to give people better ways to communicate. They have also come under fire for not doing enough to moderate content on their platform. Billions of text posts, photos, and videos are uploaded to Facebook every day. It is impossible for human moderators to comprehensively sift through that much content. Facebook uses artificial intelligence to suggest photo tags, populate your newsfeed, and detect bots and fake users. A new system, codenamed “Rosetta,” helps teams at Facebook and Instagram identify text within images to better understand what their subject is and more easily classify them for search or to flag abusive content. Facebook’s Rosetta system scans over a billion images and video frames daily across multiple languages in real time. Learn more about Facebook AI Research. Facebook also has several Open Source Tools For Advancing The World’s AI.


Microsoft added Research and AI as their fourth silo alongside Office, Windows, and Cloud, with the stated goal of making broad-spectrum AI application more accessible and everyday machines more intelligent. Microsoft is integrating Artificial Intelligence into a broad range of Microsoft products and services. Cortana is powered by machine learning, allowing the virtual assistant to build insight and expertise over time. AI in Office 365 helps users expand their creativity, connect to relevant information, and surface new insights. Microsoft Dynamics 365 business applications that use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to analyze data to improve your business processes and deliver predictive analytics. Bing is using advances in Artificial Intelligence to make it even easier to find what you’re looking for. Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Computing Services has a wide portfolio of AI productivity tools and services. Microsoft’s Machine Learning Studio is a powerfully simple browser-based, visual drag-and-drop authoring environment where no coding is necessary.


Apple is the most tight-lipped among top technology companies about their AI research. Siri was one of the first widely used examples of Artificial Intelligence used by consumers. Apple had a head start, but appears to have fallen behind their competitors. Apple’s Artificial Intelligence strategy continues to be focused on running workloads locally on devices, rather than running them on cloud-based resources like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft do. This is consistent with Apple’s stance on respecting User Privacy. Apple believes their approach has some advantages. They have a framework called Create ML that app makers can use to train AI models on Macs. Create ML is the Machine Learning framework used across Apple products, including Siri, Camera, and QuickType. Apple has also added Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to its Core ML software allowing developers to easily incorporate AI models into apps for iPhones and other Apple devices. It remains to be seen if Apple can get developers using the Create ML technology, but given the number of Apple devices consumers have, I expect they will get some traction with it.

These are just a few examples of how leading technology companies are using artificial intelligence to improve the products and services we use everyday.