Cloud Computing: AWS vs. Google vs. Red Hat

A high level look at the cloud computing services and solutions offered by Amazon, Google, and Red Hat.

Cloud Computing: AWS vs. Google vs. Red HatFor the purposes of this article, I want to map out what I feel are the 3 best Cloud Computing providers: Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Red Hat.

Cloud Computing is a broad topic but can be categorized in to 3 main areas: Public Clouds, Private Clouds, and Hybrid Clouds.

Public Cloud computing gets most of the attention, and Amazon Web Services(AWS) has the most market share in this space. Amazon had first mover advantage and AWS has the lead both in terms of market share, but also in the number of Public Cloud services available.

In terms of reported market share based on revenue, Microsoft has the second most with their Azure cloud services, but many feel that is misleading since a large portion of what Microsoft includes in their “commercial cloud business” includes not only Azure, but also software-as-a-service(Saas) solutions like Office 365, Dynamics 365, and other segments of the Productivity and Business Processes Division.  If a company is a “Microsoft Shop” and has invested heavily in Microsoft’s technology then Microsoft Azure is the obvious choice… so I am not including it in this comparison.  They same can be said for cloud services from other companies like Oracle, and IBM. If you are invested heavily in their technology, then their cloud solutions may be the best fit for your organization.

According to the State of the Cloud report by Rightscale, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud strategies continue to grow. According to the report enterprises that combine public and private clouds grew to 58 percent in 2019 from 51 percent in 2018. Companies run a majority of workloads in cloud, according to Rightscale. Respondents overall run 38 percent of workloads in Public Cloud and 41 percent in Private Cloud. Respondents to the survey are already running applications in a combination of 3.4 public and private clouds and experimenting with 1.5 more for a total of 4.9 clouds. Among those using any public cloud, respondents are currently using 2.0 public clouds and experimenting with 1.8 more. Among those using any private cloud, respondents are currently using 2.7 private clouds and experimenting with 2.0 more.

In my opinion, Red Hat has the most viable solutions for Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud and so I am including Red Hat in this comparison.

AWS vs. Google vs. Red Hat Cloud Services Map

A quick way to understand what the various cloud services providers offer is to map similar functionality in a table. The following table provides a high-level mapping of the services provided by AWS, Google, and Red Hat platforms.



Cloud Platform AWS Google Cloud Platform OpenStack
IaaS Elastic Cloud Compute Compute Engine Cloud Infrastructure
PaaS Elastic Beanstalk App Engine OpenShift
FaaS(Serverless) AWS Lambda Cloud Functions OpenWhisk
Hybrid/Private Outposts Anthos OpenStack

Hybrid Cloud & Private Cloud Computing

In cloud computing, hybrid cloud refers to the use of both on-premises resources in addition to public cloud resources. A hybrid cloud enables an organization to migrate applications and data to the cloud, extend their datacenter capacity, utilize new cloud-native capabilities, move applications closer to customers, and create a backup and disaster recovery solution with cost-effective high availability.

Private cloud refers to a model of cloud computing where IT services are provisioned over private IT infrastructure for the dedicated use of a single organization. A private cloud is usually managed via internal resources. Private Cloud and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) are often used interchangeably. Technically speaking, a VPC is a private cloud using a third-party cloud provider’s infrastructure, while a private cloud is implemented over internal infrastructure.

Amazon and Google are now both investing heavily in Hybrid and Private Cloud solutions, but these solutions are afterthoughts and are not elegantly architected into their core platform. Amazon Outposts is a fully managed service from AWS where customers get AWS configured hardware and software delivered to their on-premise data center or co-location space to run applications in a cloud-native manner without having to run it at AWS data centers. Google Anthos lets you build and manage modern hybrid applications on existing on-premises investments or in the public cloud. Built on open source technologies pioneered by Google—including Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative—Anthos enables consistency between on-premises and cloud environments, but not nearly as consistent as Red Hat’s solutions.

Red Hat has the broadest supported solution with the OpenStack Platform. OpenStack is a set of free and open source software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for public and private clouds. Backed by some of the biggest companies in software development and hosting, as well as thousands of individual community members, many think that OpenStack is the future of cloud computing. OpenStack is managed by the OpenStack Foundation, a non-profit that oversees both development and community-building around the project.  OpenStack allows companies to utilize their existing investment in hardware to provision hybrid or private cloud solutions.  With AWS and Google, users are locked into those company’s ecosystem. Unlike AWS or Google’s solutions, OpenStack allows companies numerous options for which Cloud Provider to use.

And The Winner Is…

Like most things with technology, there is not a clear winner with Cloud Computing. It all depends on what problem you are trying to solve, and what your strategy is.

I am an advocate of Open Source solutions, and try to avoid vendor lock-in and proprietary solutions when possible.  The battle for Cloud Computing is actually more about API’s… and using those API’s ultimately means utilizing proprietary interfaces and microservices… which leads to some degree of vendor lock-in.  I will most likely write more about that in the future.

Google Data CentersThat being said, I think there are some clear leaders in various segments. For Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Google and Amazon have the largest most robust global assets and network. Amazon has the most global data centers but I lean toward Google’s data centers and their private global fiber network. Both Amazon and Google are best in class for infrastructure if you are just looking to spin up virtual machines and run servers in the cloud.

Moving up a level of abstraction gets us into the Platform as a Service(PaaS) space.  The goal of these solutions is to lower the barrier of entry and make developing applications possible to the the largest possible community of developers, researchers, and businesses.  The focus is on the developer for these solutions, reducing the need for skills in system administrators, ops, and security. These solutions scale your application by automatically starting new machine instances and deploying your application to the new instance. All your instances are automatically running behind a load balancer.

The PaaS solutions provide excellent integration with other services using simple API calls. It can be argued that the race for market dominance among cloud providers is actually all about which vendor has the best and broadest API’s.  Google has an advantage in this space with simple API’s to services including Google Accounts for login, Gmail, Google Maps, and more. Additionally, Google also has a broad array of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning services although AI as a service is available from many cloud providers now.

Moving up yet another layer of abstraction takes us to the Functions as a Service(FaaS) or serverless space. FaaS is the concept of serverless computing via serverless architectures. Software developers can leverage this to deploy an individual “function”, action, or piece of business logic. They are expected to start within milliseconds and process individual requests and then the process ends.

Just like PaaS, FaaS provides the ability to easily deploy an application and scale it, without having to provision or configure servers.  Function based apps can be used to replace microservice style architectures and background type services.  Serverless computing allows businesses to run compute-intensive functions on-demand with the near-unlimited scale of the cloud providers, and pay only for the time that code is actually running.

A lot of innovation is still going on in serverless computing and things are rapidly improving and changing.  Amazon uses AWS Lambda, Google uses Cloud Functions, and RedHat appears to be coalescing around Apache OpenWhisk.  A dominate solution or platform has not emerged yet.

Not every language is available on every platform for writing functions. JavaScript (Node.js) is really the only universally supported language and is the most commonly used in examples within documentation across all providers.

LANGUAGE AWS Lambda GCP Functions Apache OpenWhisk
JavaScript(node.js) Yes Yes Yes
Java Yes No Yes (Partial)
C# Yes No No
Python Yes No Yes
PHP No No Yes
Go Yes (Partial) No No
F# No No No
Swift No No Yes

In terms of maturity, efficiency, language support, and ecosystem integration, AWS Lambda has the lead. However, if a Private or Hybrid Cloud and you desire Open Source solutions, then Apache OpenWhisk is the leader.

If your organization needs a Private Cloud, or a Hybrid Cloud and wants to avoid vendor locking I think their is a very clear winner. Red Hat uses Open Stack as their native platform for cloud services, and also uses it for their hybrid and private cloud solutions. Additionally, because OpenStack is open source software, you can run it on Amazon AWS and on Google Cloud.  The same applies for OpenShift, and OpenWhisk. The ability to choose from numerous cloud vendors along with having the same solution for private and hybrid cloud scenarios makes OpenStack, OpenShift, and OpenWhisk the ideal technologies to build your cloud computing solutions on if you are considering a Hybrid Cloud or Private Cloud.

Category : BriteWire Blog

More than 50 percent of Facebook users are fake according to a report

“Facebook has been lying to the public about the scale of its problem with fake accounts, which likely exceed 50% of its network. Its official metrics—many of which it has stopped reporting quarterly—are self-contradictory and even farcical. The company has lost control of its own product.”

50 Percent Of Facebook Users Are FakeIt is widely accepted that a large portion of accounts on Facebook are fake, and our position is that a large potion of advertisement budget spent on Facebook is worthless because it gets consumed by click-fraud farms. But the problem may be bigger than we thought. Following Facebook’s horrible 2018 year, a report released on Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 suggests as many as half of Facebook’s two billion accounts are fake or duplicates.

According to Aaron Greenspan, the platform’s measurement of its user base isn’t—and will never be—precise enough. Therefore, the metrics they report are overestimated.

The report also comes with a disclosure that reads: “Aaron Greenspan owns FB put options in his personal capacity. He entered into a confidential settlement with Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, Inc. in 2009.”

The fake accounts are particularly dangerous because they “often defraud other users on Facebook, through scams, fake news, extortion, and other forms of deception” and often “involve governments,” he writes.

He further accused the company of “selling” ads to “hundreds of millions of phantom buyers – users who do not actually exist.”

How can any social media company verify a “real identity” from a fake identity? The only way to do so is to institute a process much like opening an online bank account, a process that requires some form of deeper identification.

If you use Facebook at all, you have most likely received a friend request from someone you don’t know. If you research that user account, chances are you will find it is an account that has few if any photos posted, few posts, and very little engagement on any content on that user’s wall. It is a fake account. Fake accounts are big business, and Facebook is not doing enough to stop the proliferation of fake accounts on its platform.

In future blog posts I will dive into specific examples of why advertising on Facebook can be a complete waste of money, including an example of promoting a video on Facebook that generated over 40,000 views but did not result in a single phone call. This led to a very interesting discovery of how Facebook counts “views”, resulting in view counts that are exponentially inflated.

Click Farm for Advertisement Fraud
Click Farm for Advertisement Fraud

I believe Facebook can not be fixed, at least not without new senior management in place. A new social media platform is needed that demands arduous verification and constantly monitors its user base to eliminate cloned and fake accounts. The number of “real” accounts in such a network would be a fraction of what Facebook reports its user base is, but users could actually trust that new platform. Advertisers would be able to trust that a large percentage of their advertising dollars are being consumed by click-fraud farms.

Category : BriteWire Blog

The Rise Of Online Privacy

The Rise Of Online PrivacyAfter a never-ending erosion of online privacy via companies tracking everything users do online, the trend seems to be reversing direction and users are being given the tools they need to take back some control over how their online activities are tracked.

If you hate searching for a product on one site and then seeing ads for that product on every other site you visit, you are not alone. A few leading technology companies have learned that protecting their customers is good for business, and help is on the way. Web browsers like Safari, Firefox, and Brave are now blocking this type of tracking by default.

Companies that profit by harvesting user’s online profiles are upset about these changes, claiming it’s “bad for the ad-supported online content and services consumers love.” These companies are also upset at the rapid rise of Ad Blockers in web browsers. On several websites I operate, over 50% of users are visiting the website with browsers that use Ad Blockers.

Two ways companies are giving control of privacy back to users is through blocking cross-site tracking, and fighting browser fingerprinting.

What Is Cross-Site Tracking?

Cross-site tracking refers to companies collecting a user’s browsing data across multiple websites. When you browse from site to site, you’re often followed by tracking mechanisms that collect data on what websites you have visited, what pages you visited, what searches you performed, etc.

What Is Browser Fingerprinting?

Browser Fingerprinting is an incredibly accurate method of identifying unique browsers and tracking their online activity even when cookies are disabled. Browser Fingerprinting works by building a unique “signature” of your device based on identification points like IP Adress, Web Browser, Screen Resolution, Plugins enabled, etc. This type of fingerprinting works even if you clear your cookies.

Behind the scene, the companies that are tracking your online activity are building in-depth profiles of who you are, and what your interests are… including some very private information. On the surface this may seem benign or beneficial to users. However, Facebook’s repeated privacy scandals have revealed how companies can exploit this user information.

How Users Can Take Back Some Control?

Apple has taken a leadership position in protecting user privacy. Apple has implemented new features in Safari called “Intelligent Tracking Prevention”.

Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention works to prevent cross-site tracking. Safari will prevent tracking mechanisms from companies like Facebook, Google, and advertising networks from loading on websites until you explicitly click them. If you want to use Facebook features on a website, you’ll get a prompt asking if you want to access your cookies and website data. If you don’t allow that access, Facebook won’t be able to track your browsing activities online, even if you’re signed into Facebook while browsing.

Safari’s new restrictions will make it much more difficult for websites to uniquely identify you using Browser Fingerprinting.

Starting with version 65 of Firefox blocking Cross-Site Tracking and Browser Fingerprinting is enabled by default.

And of course there is my favorite web browser Brave. Brave is an open source web browser that blocks advertisements, tracking pixels, and tracking cookies by default.

It is good that a cross-platform browsers like Firefox and Brave implement these features, because it is unlikely that Google Chrome is going to do anything that potentially hurts ad revenue any time soon. However, even Google Chrome has the ability to send a “Do Not Track” request if you go into its Advanced Privacy & Security Settings and you can install ad-blocking plugins for Google Chrome.

While Duck Duck Go’s Traffic Growth (an online search alternative that respects a users right to privacy) probably doesn’t concern Google much at this point, if they start losing web browser market share they may be forced to address user’s concerns over the data they are collecting and how they are using it.

Category : BriteWire Blog

Facebook 2018 Year in Review

Facebook 2018 Year In ReviewFacebook 2018 Year in Review highlights the top ways people are being exploited on Facebook and its subsidiaries like Instagram. Unsurprisingly, most of them are pretty depressing, confirming what we all already knew from previous years – Facebook can’t be fixed.

Reddit user fantastic_comment compiled this information and the post was originally published on Reddit – original link:

Ironic that it was posted on Reddit, since Reddit also had numerous missteps in 2018. Reddit just isn’t nearly as bad as Facebook.



Date Article
2018-01-30 More than 110 child-health advocates have called on Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg to pull the firm’s Messenger Kids app aimed at under 13s, warning of the dangers of social media for children
2018-01-24 Facebook should be regulated like a cigarette company, because of the addictive and harmful properties of social media, according to Salesforce chief executive Marc Benioff
2018-01-23 Facebook enables ‘fake news’ by reliance on digital advertising
2018-01-11 Facebook patents tracking method using dust on camera lenses


Date Article
2018-02-16 Facebook ordered to stop collecting user data by Belgian court
2018-02-12 Facebook personal data use and privacy settings ruled illegal by German court
2018-02-08 Brazil’s biggest newspaper, Folha de S Paulo, has announced that it will no longer publish content on its Facebook page, accusing the social media giant of encouraging fake news and become ‘inhospitable terrain for … quality content’


Date Article
2018-03-29 Facebook scraped call, text message data for years from Android phones without explicitly notifying users
2018-03-29 Growth At Any Cost: Top Facebook Executive Defended Data Collection In 2016 Memo — And Warned That Facebook Could Get People Killed
2018-03-28 Facebook increases lobbying presence on Capitol Hill before Zuckerberg testimony
2018-03-26 Facebook tracking is present in 41% of the most popular Android apps
2018-03-20 WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton tell us “It is time delete facebook”
2018-03-17 87 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach
2018-03-16 Facebook has been forced to apologise after it spent hours suggesting sexual videos and child abuse content
2018-03-14 The UK’s data protection watchdog has concluded that WhatsApp’s sharing of user data with its parent company Facebook would have been illegal
2018-03-13 ‘Facebook has now turned into a beast’, says United Nations investigator, calling network a vehicle for ‘acrimony, dissension and conflict’
2018-03-09 Facebook Launches Another Deceptive ‘Security’ App Designed to Siphon Your Data. Updated: Facebook Deletes App
2018-03-05 Facebook asks users: should we allow men to ask children for sexual images?


Date Article
2018-04-30 WhatsApp founder Jan Koum announced he was leaving Facebook amid user data disputes
2018-04-19 Facebook moves 1.5bn users out of reach of new European privacy law
2018-04-18 Facebook to start asking permission for facial recognition in GDPR push
2018-04-17 Facebook admits tracking users and non-users off-site
2018-04-16 Facebook ad feature claims to predict user’s future behaviour
2018-04-11 Zuckerberg being grilled on Capitol Hill – Day 2
2018-04-10 Zuckerberg being grilled on Capitol Hill – Day 1
2018-04-05 Facebook secretly deleted messages Mark Zuckerberg sent on Messenger
2018-04-05 Facebook investigated by Australian privacy watchdog over suspected data-sharing
2018-04-05 Facebook admits it discussed sharing user data for medical research project
2018-04-04 Facebook refuses to promise GDPR-style privacy protection for US users
2018-04-03 Revealed: Facebook hate speech exploded in Myanmar during Rohingya crisis
2018-04-03 Facebook apologises for storing draft videos users thought they had deleted


Date Article
2018-05-25 Max Schrems NGO NOYB launches first legal cases under GDPR. Complaints have been filed against Facebook, Google, Instagram and WhatsApp within hours of the new GDPR data protection law taking effect
2018-05-24 Facebook accused of conducting mass surveillance through its apps. Company gathered data from texts and photos of users and their friends, court case claims
2018-05-22 Mark Zuckerberg dodges question from European Parliament on Facebook ‘shadow profiles’
2018-05-22 Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg meets with the European Parliament
2018-05-11 Facebook hit with class action lawsuit over collection of texts and call logs
2018-05-03 Facebook harvested 3.5 billion Instagram images without warning their owners until today


Date Article
2018-06-27 Facebook Patent Imagines Triggering Your Phone’s Mic When a Hidden Signal Plays on TV
2018-06-27 Facebook, Google and Microsoft push users away from privacy-friendly options on their services in an “unethical” way, according to a report by the Norwegian Consumer Council
2018-06-21 7 Creepy Patents Reveal About Facebook
2018-06-12 Facebook admitted that it collects information from and about computers, phones, and connected devices, including mouse
2018-06-07 Facebook apologizes for privacy glitch that affected up to 14 million users
2018-06-05 Facebook Gave Data Access to Chinese Firm Flagged by U.S. Intelligence
2018-06-03 Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends


Date Article
2018-07-23 Rubens nudes fall foul of Facebook censors (VIDEO)
2018-07-05 Facebook labels declaration of independence as ‘hate speech’
2018-07-02 Facebook gave 61 businesses including Nike, Spotify, UPS and dating app Hinge special rights to access user data after blocking such access more broadly


Date Article
2018-08-27 A report from the United Nations called Facebook a “useful instrument for those seeking to spread hate” in the genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and that the company’s response to the crisis was “slow and ineffective.”
2018-08-23 Facebook violates Apple’s data-gathering rules, pulls Onavo VPN from App Store
2018-08-17 Justice Dept. Backs Suit Accusing Facebook of Violating Fair Housing Act
2018-08-06 Facebook has asked large U.S. banks to share detailed financial information about customers as it seeks to boost user engagement
2018-08-02 ‘It’s ridiculous. It’s Picasso’: Facebook reviewing anti-nudity policy after blocking Montreal museum ad


Date Article
2018-09-28 Facebook blocked users from posting some stories about its security breach
2018-09-28 Facebook Security Breach Exposes Accounts of 50 Million Users
2018-09-26 Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Access to Your Shadow Contact Information
2018-09-25 Facebook failing to protect moderators from mental trauma, lawsuit claims
2018-09-24 Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger announced that they were leaving the company they had sold to Facebook – “no one ever leaves a job because everything’s awesome.”
2018-09-21 Instagram’s new TV service recommended videos of potential child abuse


Date Article
2018-10-30 We posed as 100 Senators to run ads on Facebook. Facebook approved all of them
2018-10-25 Facebook has been fined £500,000 by the UK’s data protection watchdog for its role in the Cambridge Analytica data scandal
2018-10-19 Facebook inflated ad metrics up to 900 percent. Facebook was aware of inaccuracies in the way it measured how many people viewed video on its site for a year longer than it has previously admitted, court documents have claimed
2018-10-12 Facebook says 14m accounts had personal data stolen in recent breach
2018-10-10 Facebook Is Still Thirsty for Your Health Data
2018-10-05 Facebook to release first-party cookie option for ads, pull web analytics from Firefox and Safari
2018-10-04 Instagram prototypes handing your location history to Facebook


Date Article
2018-11-24 Parliament has used its legal powers to seize internal Facebook documents in an extraordinary attempt to hold the US social media giant to account after chief executive Mark Zuckerberg repeatedly refused to answer MPs’ questions
2018-11-21 Facebook criticised for post promoting child bride auction. Company failed to remove post that informed users of auction of 17-year-old girl for several days
2018-11-17 Instagram bug inadvertently exposed some users’ passwords
2018-11-14 Facebook policy chief admits hiring PR firm to attack George Soros
2018-11-13 Facebook bug let websites read ‘likes’ and interests from a user’s profile
2018-11-12 WhatsApp struggling to control fake news in India, researchers say
2018-11-12 Facebook Failed to Police How Its Partners Handled User Data
2018-11-06 Facebook admits failings over incitement to violence in Myanmar
2018-11-02 Facebook Allowed Advertisers to Target Users Interested in “White Genocide” — Even in Wake of Pittsburgh Massacre
2018-11-02 Private messages from 81,000 hacked Facebook accounts for sale


Date Article
2018-12-29 How Apps on Android Share Data with Facebook – Report by Privacy International
2018-12-20 WhatsApp has an encrypted child porn problem
2018-12-19 The attorney general for the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit against Facebook for its role in allowing Cambridge Analytica to harvest the personal information of millions of people without their consent
2018-12-19 Facebook users cannot avoid location-based ads, investigation finds
2018-12-18 Internal documents show that the social network gave Microsoft, Amazon, Spotify and others far greater access to people’s data than it has disclosed
2018-12-15 Facebook is being used to silence bloggers critical of Vietnam’s government, according to Reporters Without Borders
2018-12-14 Facebook disclosed that a bug may have exposed the photos of up to 6.8 million users people had uploaded but chosen not to post
2018-12-10 Facebook Filed A Patent To Calculate Your Future Location based on your historical location data and other parameters
2018-12-07 Italian regulator fines Facebook £8.9m for misleading users
2018-12-06 Facebook emails reveal discussions over call log consent. Employees discussed how to minimise amount of consent they would need to ask for
2018-12-05 Facebook discussed cashing in on user data, emails suggest. Social network staff apparently conversed about removing data restrictions for big ad spenders


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Category : BriteWire Blog

Using Data Analysis To Design Better Photos

Better cameras don’t necessarily take photos that people think are better.

The visual image criteria that customers respond favorably to is an ongoing area of interest to me. I routinely use knowledge gained through A/B testing of images to achieve competitive advantage by producing images specifically designed to appeal to specific users.

In a previous article I discussed how Netflix uses image analysis to create visual content.

This data analysis reveals trends in color preferences and style for images used at Netflix.

Cameras get better each year with sensors capable of capturing more pixels, and more dynamic range. The result are images that are sharp, and have more details in shadows and highlights than ever before.

Advances in Computational Photography allow cell phone cameras to automatically take “better photos” without extra effort and knowledge of photography. Throwing processing power at raw images lets smartphones and cameras do some amazing things. Computational Photography tweaks settings between each shot ensuring that people and scenes always “look their best”.

At least that is the claim.

The problem is that better cameras don’t necessarily take photos that the majority of people prefer because they don’t take trends in color preference and style into consideration.

Marques Brownlee has a popular channel on Youtube where he reviews tech products. He created a video called “The Blind Smartphone Camera Test 2018!” which revealed that “better cameras” are not capturing and processing photos that the vast majority of people prefer to the images captured by less capable cameras.

Using Data Analysis To Design Better Photos
O = iPhone X
P = Xiaomi Pocophone F1
Image Credit: Marques Brownlee
To get as large of an audience as possible, the blind tests Marques used were performed on images posted and viewed on Twitter and Instagram and resulted in over 6 million votes in the polls for best images.

He used 16 of the most popular mobile phones in a winner takes all bracket style competition. He included powerful phones like the Pixel 3, Hydrogen, and the iPhone X, and iPhone XS along with less capable cameras used by the Blackberry and Xiaomi Pocophone.

Most images are viewed on social media platforms now, and it is well known that Twitter and Instagram have horrible image compression, but it makes sense to use these platforms to test trends and image preferences.

The results revealed an obvious trend. People do not like the perfectly exposed high dynamic range photos that the “best cameras” captured.

There’s obviously a massive subjective component: people like brighter, warmer, punchy photos.

Computation photography and large image sensors capable of capturing copious amounts of detail and high dynamic range are still not a substitute for good glass, and an artistic understanding of photographic principals and composition.

In the end, you have to understand what your customers prefer, and craft visual strategies designed to appeal to those preferences.

Category : BriteWire Blog

Google shutting down Google+ following massive undisclosed user data exposure

PR teams at Google and Facebook have been working overtime this week due to breaches of user data on their networks. Google announced that it would shut down Google+ after it discovered a security vulnerability that exposed the private data of up to 500,000 users. Google+ is the company’s long-struggling answer to Facebook’s giant social network.

Google Shutting Down Google PlusIt really is not that much of a blow for Google to shutter Google+. Google admits that Google+ has “low usage and engagement” and that 90 percent of Google+ user sessions last less than five seconds.

It is Google’s lack of disclosure on the security breach that is causing waves in the cybersecurity community. There are rules in California and Europe that govern when a company must disclose a security episode.

Google did not tell its users about the security issue when it was found in March because it didn’t appear that anyone had gained access to user information, and the company’s “Privacy & Data Protection Office” decided it was not legally required to report it, the search giant said in a blog post.

Others are citing the leak as further evidence that the large technology platforms need more regulatory oversight.

“Monopolistic internet platforms like Google and Facebook are probably ‘too big to secure’ and are certainly ‘too big to trust’ blindly,” said Jeff Hauser, from the Centre for Economic and Policy Research.

Google+ had some innovative ideas, that just never caught on. At one time Google put significant effort into pushing the adoption of Google+, including using its data to personalize search results based on what a user’s connections have +1’d.

Thankfully I never invested heavily into Google+, but I did like how you could organize content into collections wich I alligned with market segments.

Google+ will shut down over a 10-month period, which is slated for completion by the end of August, 2019.

Google also announced a series of reforms to its privacy policies designed to give users more control on the amount of data they share with third-party app developers.

Users will now be able to have more “fine grained” control over the various aspects of their Google accounts that they grant to third-parties (ie calendar entries v Gmail), and Google will further limit third-parties’ access to email, SMS, contacts and phone logs.

DuckDuckGo Traffic Growth

The growth of DuckDuckGo is amazing. It took seven years for DuckDuckGo to reach 10 million searches in one day. It then took another two years to hit 20 million searches in a day. It took less than a year after that for DuckDuckGo to surpass 30 million searches in a day!

DuckDuckGo Traffic GrowthIf you are not familiar with the search engine DuckDuckGo yet, you will probably be hearing more about it from now on. DuckDuckGo is a search engine, like Google, Yahoo or Bing, but with DuckDuckGo your searches and your IP address are kept 100% anonymous. People seeking ways to reduce their digital footprint online is driving the rapid traffic growth at

Compared to Google, DuckDuckGo is still tiny. At the time of this blog post, the record for daily searches at DuckDuckGo was 30,602,556. That makes it less than 1% the size of Google which handles over 3.5 billion searches per day.

However, the daily search volume on DuckDuckGo is now approximately one quarter of the daily search volume of Bing. Not bad for a small search startup with a funny name and only 40 employees.

Google continues to dwarf the search volume of the competition like DuckDuckGo, but continuing issues of censorship and data security issues are starting to cause many users to question whether they want to use Google.

This week Google admitted they were hacked and exposed the private data for as many as 500,000 people. As a result, they announced they will be shutting down Google+.

People are increasingly becoming aware that giant technology companies like Google and Facebook are making money off of their private information online. As more competitors to these established titans of technology begin educating users about how they are being tracked, alternatives like DuckDuckGo are gaining market share.

Artificial Neural Networks For Marketing

Artificial Neural Networks are progressive learning systems modeled after the human brain that continuously improve their function over time. Artificial neural networks can be effective in gathering and extracting the relevant information from big data, identify valuable trends, relationships and connections between the data, and then rely on the past outcomes and behaviors to help identify and implement the best marketing tactics and strategies.

Artificial Neural Networks For MarketingThe human brain consists of 100 billion cells called neurons. The neurons are connected together by synapses. If sufficient synaptic inputs to a neuron fire, that neuron will also fire. This process is called “thinking”.

Artificial neural networks are a form of computer program modeled after the way the human brain and nervous system works. It is not necessary to model the biological complexity of the human brain at a molecular level, just its higher level rules.

Common practical uses of Neural Networks are for character recognition, image classification, speech recognition, facial recognition, etc. They are also used for Predictive Analytics. Read our article on HOW LEADING TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES ARE USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING.

Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) are a series of interconnected artificial processing neurons functioning in unison to achieve desirable outcomes.

Artificial neurons are elementary units in an artificial neural network. Each artificial neuron receives one or more inputs and sums them to produce an output. Think of artificial neurons as simple storage containers.

Artificial Neural Networks are comprised of three main parts: the input layer, the hidden layer, and the output layer. Note that you can have n hidden layers. The term “deep” learning implies multiple hidden layers. Each layer is a one dimensional array.

During processing each input is separately weighted, and the sum is passed through a non-linear function known as an activation function or transfer function to the next set of artificial neurons.

Using trial and error learning methods neural networks detect patterns existing within a data set ignoring data that is not significant, while emphasizing the data which is most influential.

From a marketing perspective, neural networks are a form of software tool used to assist in decision making. Neural networks are effective in gathering and extracting information from large data sources and identify the cause and effect within data. These neural nets through the process of learning, identify relationships and connections between databases. Once knowledge has been accumulated, neural networks can be relied on to provide generalizations and can apply past knowledge and learning to a variety of situations.

Neural networks help fulfill the role of marketing companies through effectively aiding in market segmentation and measurement of performance while reducing costs and improving accuracy. Due to their learning ability, flexibility, adaption and knowledge discovery, neural networks offer many advantages over traditional models. Neural networks can be used to assist in pattern classification, forecasting and marketing analysis.

How Leading Technology Companies Are Using Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence looks for patterns, learns from experience, and predicts responses based on historical data. Artificial Intelligence is able to learn new things at incredible speeds. Artificial Intelligence can be used to accurately predict your behavior and preempt your requests.

Artificial Intelligence And Machine LearningArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are shaping many of the products and services you interact with every day. In future blog posts I will be discussing how Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Predictive Analytics are being used by Marketers to achieve competitive advantage.

AI’s (Artificial Intelligence) ability to simulate human thinking means it can streamline our lives. It can preempt our needs and requests, making products and services more user friendly as machines learn our needs and figure out how to serve us better.

Here are how some of the top companies are using Artificial Intelligence.


Google is investing heavily in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Google acquired the AI company DeepMind for the energy consumption, digital health and general purpose Artificial Intelligence programs. It is integrating it into many of its products and services. They are primarily using TensorFlow – an open source software library for high performance numerical computation. They are using Artificial Intelligence and pattern recognition to improve their core search services. Google is also using AI and machine learning for their facial recognition services, and for natural language processing to power their real-time language translation. Google Assistant uses Artificial Antelligence, as does the Google Home series of smart home products, like the Nest thermostat. Google is using a TensorFlow model in Gmail to understand the context of an email and predict likely replies. They call this feature “Smart Replies.” After acquiring more than 50 AI startups in 2015-16, this seems like only the beginning for Google’s AI agenda. You can learn more about Google’s AI projects here:


Amazon has been investing heavily in Artificial Intelligence for over 20 years. Amazon’s approach to AI is called a “flywheel”. At Amazon, the flywheel approach keeps AI innovation humming along and encourages energy and knowledge to spread to other areas of the company. Amazon’s flywheel approach means that innovation around machine learning in one area of the company fuels the efforts of other teams. Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning (ML) algorithms drive many of their internal systems. Artificial Intelligence is also core to their customer experience – from’s recommendations engine that is used to analyze and predict your shopping patterns, to Echo powered by Alexa, and the path optimization in their fulfillment centers. Amazon’s mission is to share their Artificial Intellgience and Machine Learning capabilities as fully managed services, and put them into the hands of every developer and data scientist on Amazon Web Services(AWS). Learn more about Amazon Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


Facebook has come under fire for their widespread use of Artificial Intelligence analytics to target users for marketing and messaging purposes, but they remain committed to advancing the field of machine intelligence and are creating new technologies to give people better ways to communicate. They have also come under fire for not doing enough to moderate content on their platform. Billions of text posts, photos, and videos are uploaded to Facebook every day. It is impossible for human moderators to comprehensively sift through that much content. Facebook uses artificial intelligence to suggest photo tags, populate your newsfeed, and detect bots and fake users. A new system, codenamed “Rosetta,” helps teams at Facebook and Instagram identify text within images to better understand what their subject is and more easily classify them for search or to flag abusive content. Facebook’s Rosetta system scans over a billion images and video frames daily across multiple languages in real time. Learn more about Facebook AI Research. Facebook also has several Open Source Tools For Advancing The World’s AI.


Microsoft added Research and AI as their fourth silo alongside Office, Windows, and Cloud, with the stated goal of making broad-spectrum AI application more accessible and everyday machines more intelligent. Microsoft is integrating Artificial Intelligence into a broad range of Microsoft products and services. Cortana is powered by machine learning, allowing the virtual assistant to build insight and expertise over time. AI in Office 365 helps users expand their creativity, connect to relevant information, and surface new insights. Microsoft Dynamics 365 business applications that use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to analyze data to improve your business processes and deliver predictive analytics. Bing is using advances in Artificial Intelligence to make it even easier to find what you’re looking for. Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Computing Services has a wide portfolio of AI productivity tools and services. Microsoft’s Machine Learning Studio is a powerfully simple browser-based, visual drag-and-drop authoring environment where no coding is necessary.


Apple is the most tight-lipped among top technology companies about their AI research. Siri was one of the first widely used examples of Artificial Intelligence used by consumers. Apple had a head start, but appears to have fallen behind their competitors. Apple’s Artificial Intelligence strategy continues to be focused on running workloads locally on devices, rather than running them on cloud-based resources like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft do. This is consistent with Apple’s stance on respecting User Privacy. Apple believes their approach has some advantages. They have a framework called Create ML that app makers can use to train AI models on Macs. Create ML is the Machine Learning framework used across Apple products, including Siri, Camera, and QuickType. Apple has also added Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to its Core ML software allowing developers to easily incorporate AI models into apps for iPhones and other Apple devices. It remains to be seen if Apple can get developers using the Create ML technology, but given the number of Apple devices consumers have, I expect they will get some traction with it.

These are just a few examples of how leading technology companies are using artificial intelligence to improve the products and services we use everyday.

Facebook Usage Declines

42% of Facebook users say they have taken a break from checking the platform for a period of several weeks or more. 26% say they have deleted the Facebook app from their cellphone.

42 Percent of Facebook Users Taking A BreakAccording to Pew Research Facebook users continue to reduce the amount of time they are spending on the platform. Just over half of Facebook users ages 18 and older (54%) say they have adjusted their privacy settings in the past 12 months, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Around four-in-ten (42%) say they have taken a break from checking the platform for a period of several weeks or more, while around a quarter (26%) say they have deleted the Facebook app from their cellphone. All told, some 74% of Facebook users say they have taken at least one of these three actions in the past year.

The findings come from a Pew Research survey of U.S. adults conducted May 29, 2018 through June 11, 2018.

Younger Facebook Users Adjusting Privacy SettingsThere are, however, age differences in the share of Facebook users who have recently taken some of these actions. Most notably, 44% of younger users (those ages 18 to 29) say they have deleted the Facebook app from their phone in the past year, nearly four times the share of users ages 65 and older (12%) who have done so. Similarly, older users are much less likely to say they have adjusted their Facebook privacy settings in the past 12 months: Only a third of Facebook users 65 and older have done this, compared with 64% of younger users. In earlier research, Pew Research Center has found that a larger share of younger than older adults use Facebook. Still, similar shares of older and younger users have taken a break from Facebook for a period of several weeks or more.

42 percent of the audience not using the platform should translate to fewer daily active users. More than half of the audience changing the privacy settings should mean less opportunity for accurate ad targeting, and lower efficiency of advertising on Facebook.

Full Article at Pew Research.